How To Shop On Facebook Store : The dream of every potential customer who are Facebook users visiting the Facebook Shop is to know how to shop on Facebook store.
The Facebook Store or Facebook Shop is a feature available to Facebook Business page owners that houses thousands of potentially wanted good by various Facebook users at various parts of the world.
In this article we are going to be looking at how potential customer who are Facebook users visiting the Facebook Store can shop on the Facebook shop and likewise how the sellers or Facebook Shop owners attend to product order requests.
How To Shop On The Facebook Store By A Customers Or Buyer
Viewing purchase from the perspective of a customer, shopping on your Facebook Shop or Facebook Stores using your Facebook page section is a simple process.
- When you see a product you wish to purchase and then click on the product to view the product description.
- If satisfied, click the “Check Out” button.
- Then you will need to enter your shipping information if it’s your first time making a purchase on the Facebook Store.
- Users simply need to fill in their shipping information the very first time they make a purchase on the Facebook shop.
- Once done click the “Next” button then enter your valid email address, phone number, and credit card information then place your order.
- Once your purchase is “complete”, you will receive a confirmation as well as recommendations for other products that are for sale on your Facebook page.
- Customers will simply receive purchase confirmation when their purchase is complete.
- Customers can likewise visit the Purchases (Payments) section at their Facebook account settings to view their orders.
- Customers can also view their orders in the Payments section of their Facebook account settings.
Being a customer, when you click on an individual order, you have the option to do the following:
- Review the order details
- Contact the seller
- Initiate a return, or
- Initiate an exchange.
The Facebook shop sellers will also get notifications when there are updates to customers order.
Buyers likewise receive notifications about updates to their respective orders.
Orders placed through Shop sections powered by Bigcommerce or the Shopify ecommerce platform may slightly vary.
How Facebook Shop Owners Respond To Facebook Users’ Customer Product Request
Below is the way by which Facebook shop or Facebook store owner respond to Facebook users customer product request;
- When Facebook shop or Facebook store owner receive Facebook users customer product request or order, they get a notification.
- They can then review and manage Facebook users customer product request pending and completed orders in their Publishing Tools under their Facebook Shop section.
- Facebook shop owner manage orders in the Shop section of their Publishing Tools.
- Once Facebook store owner close customers order notification, they get to see a list of other pending orders.
- To see additional details, such as buyer’s shipping preferences and address sellers click on individual order.
- Facebook shop or Facebook store owner can also choose to contact the buyer if they need additional information while buyers order is pending or completed.
- Upon getting every required customer purchase details, Facebook shop or Facebook store owner must ship the order before Stripe processes their payment. After the order, has been Mark as Shipped when buyer clicks the “Mark as shipped” button and enter the tracking number (if applicable).
Then customer’s payment through Stripe will then be processed. And the order moved to pending and Facebook shop or Facebook store owner’s inventory will be updated accordingly.
With the highlighted steps above on how to shop on Facebook Store and how product orders are being processed by Facebook shop or Facebook store owner, you now have the understanding of how buying and selling on the Facebook shop or Facebook works.
However, If you have any questions about the Facebook Shop section, you can contact the Facebook Support using the Facebook Advertiser and Business Resources page via the live chat or email.